Do you ever reach out just to say something? Do you ever write just to feel something?

   What message are you trying to give when you’ve shouted out your opinions? When others have picked at your opinions and your self-worth ends up tied up in all of it. Why are we so emotionally involved when we read or hear views that may or may not be similar to our own? Part of being human is having flaws, and yet we focus more on everyone else’s flaws over our own. If we all spent more time appreciating ourselves maybe then we would get along better. We are out in the world staking our claim on what the world’s biggest problems without solving them; we create more barriers and problems because of short sighted views and no effort to maintain devotion to ourselves.

   We feed off the energy of each impact not really learning what we are accomplishing or even lack thereof. We used to be families and now we are just individuals attacking one another for rights and freedoms that they believe in because instead of reaching for the stars and making major difference in all the problems we have faced for decades and centuries, we are facing an easier selective task to give us satisfaction, which only becomes a temporary feeling thus creating a lot of hype over a lot of short term goals. It has basically turned us into children again, wanting that toy, no element of surprise, no effort or work put into obtaining it, just simply want and receive. Happy for a moment then want something else because the feeling doesn’t last when no real effort to obtain it was made.

   Who’s got the most power, which has the most money? We tend to focus on that a lot, making claims that they are all silver spoons spoiled and rotten with greed. No one ever looks at the cost to get there, maybe a lot of hard decisions, pain, death, failures paved the way to those benefits. Also could just mean they worked very hard, made sacrifices and made some choices that got them where they were. It may have changed them for good or bad but the point it, you don’t get to power without some experience behind it, even for the ones who started young and had no experience of their own, they had someone bringing them up to speed, making more unpopular decisions after another. Sure some become corrupt, but it isn’t like you really know why they do what they do, the underline pressure can turn an honest person around just by the temptations alone of being human. We always need someone to blame and it will never be ourselves even when few of us make claims that we are our own problem.

   People frown upon suicide and its obvious why, but how is it that it’s so misunderstood? Sure you can’t know what’s going on inside their head at the time, or maybe leading up to it, but does anyone ever think about what got them there and why it makes sense that they did. Some say it’s a weakness, a selfish act, a cry for help. What’s wrong with asking for help? Someone requires more attention than you? That’s the problem; too many people care only for themselves rather than spend any time on someone else. Some say mental problems lead to suicide, some say habits. Like I’ve said before about communication, if there is a barrier, misinterpretation or simply no way to communicate especially if no one is listening, there is a good chance anyone could see it coming well before it’s too late. Who are we to judge their decision, which is to say it was a weakness. Of course it can be events that lead to a situation that a person is in such undeniable pain that it becomes the only option, or the loss of a loved one bringing emotions so strong that there is no denying your suffering must come to an end. People make decisions that may or may not affect other people every single moment of every day it doesn’t make them right or wrong. You can raise arguments all the same like the life of an unborn, do they decide they survive or not? We hold the key as people to make the right choices, to see things coming, to listen and to help those who might not necessarily be able to help themselves.

   We have shown multiple sides of ourselves through years of transition, we change our minds in a second when new information is presented to us, we divide just as quickly when someone tries to stake claim on what we believe is sacred such as the land we live on, who came first and why it doesn’t matter who’s there now. Why do we fight so much and never content with what we have, why do we always try to take what someone else has to prove dominance? What does having power over other people create? Ultimately we need someone to make unpopular decisions, be the face of choices we aren’t willing to make, and sometimes benefit from ways we didn’t think we needed. We lead and we follow, but we as people should grow, are less about greed and more about fulfillment as a whole. It does not mean we all need to be one big group of the same but to live in unity that we are all happy and sufficient in our endeavors for the greatness of ourselves and the world around us. Regrow our world and be alive, meet each other, learn new things, enjoy the path you ultimately want to take, live and die in fulfillment and not live a life in judgement.

I am always open to new views, opinions and ideals. No one person has all the right answers including myself. I just want others to speak up and get to know their fellow neighbors and spend less time creating pain and more time creating their own successes. Bring new meaning to life so that others can enjoy their life, and help those who suffer no matter how dark it could be, no matter how stubborn they may be. They are people, giving life with dignity and respect. We all deserve that, we just need to take a page from our own obsessions and set it aside and do one good thing for someone else each day, as it spread we could finally have a better day, no matter your culture or religion, we could all just work with what we got, share the earth and its resources, after all regardless of where we stand or where we sleep, we are merely occupants, and as time goes, the earth gets new ones, we should treat it better before it one day evicts us. I hope I made someone want to reach out reading this, someone want to feel through writing, good or bad it makes no difference to me because everyone should have a voice, even if its kept inside, we are all human and without thoughts or opinions we are lifeless. We should share and help each other grow so that humanity can forever grow, to help our leaders lead, and our followers follow. We are only human, with all the tech and advancements; let’s not forget how to be just that.

Thanks for reading!


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