
Showing posts from February, 2018

Social Media, Self Worth, & Financial Worth

   At a risk of getting negative thoughts upon my writing I have recently realized how bad social media is tearing up anyone in its path. I have always been aware of cyber bullying, cyber terrorism, and the influx of media that can spread so far and wide ultimately bringing either positive energy or very negative. I find it interesting that you can spill your heart out and no one cares or even says a word, but you say something small and insignificant that someone else doesn’t like it becomes a blood bath.    In a recent discovery I am led to think about one popular form of social media that goes along the same lines of a show and a popular shopping site. Basically consists of social popularity tying in with worth whether financial or just social standing. On a show basis you do good things people vote up, you do something stupid your sent into a spiral of voting down which could lead to your death. When your actions are judged by anyone around you basically being on trial for you

A moment to talk to readers and possible future readers…

   When I was younger I used to write short stories, poems and writings that seem to be a mash up of both. I may have never been able to write at a college level with proper techniques but I always found reading someone else’s writing if it became too complex it became very boring. Not because I did not understand the material, I did appreciate the effort and complexity involved but I found that through refinement you lose a lot of attention. Why try to write for only one crowd, why not write so others can enjoy and find their own meanings. You should write for yourself and express without critiquing your own work. You end up losing a lot of value in your words once you’ve edited it till every bit of intrigue is now nothing more than scientific data. I understand there may be some out there who enjoy that sort of thing, but here’s a thought.    Say you’ve worked your way up in the world, went from having nothing to have a lot of something, then someone offers you a ballpark hot do

Do you ever reach out just to say something? Do you ever write just to feel something?

   What message are you trying to give when you’ve shouted out your opinions? When others have picked at your opinions and your self-worth ends up tied up in all of it. Why are we so emotionally involved when we read or hear views that may or may not be similar to our own? Part of being human is having flaws, and yet we focus more on everyone else’s flaws over our own. If we all spent more time appreciating ourselves maybe then we would get along better. We are out in the world staking our claim on what the world’s biggest problems without solving them; we create more barriers and problems because of short sighted views and no effort to maintain devotion to ourselves.    We feed off the energy of each impact not really learning what we are accomplishing or even lack thereof. We used to be families and now we are just individuals attacking one another for rights and freedoms that they believe in because instead of reaching for the stars and making major difference in all the prob