What is Expression?

   What underlines it for each individual and what forms are acceptable by today’s standards vs. what they were 20, 40, 60+ years ago. With each generation is it easier or harder to express? Depends which view point you take.

   Is there a formula for how a scenario might reflect a certain opinion, feeling or memory triggered at the time of occurrence? Could it be manipulated to remove a certain feeling or need in a given moment to change how you would react to that scenario? Depends on which view point you take.

   What if you could not express physically, would others know how you felt? Words could justify, but what if you couldn’t speak? Could you feel their presence and justify their expression? I believe with any sense known or unknown our invaluable skill to communicate through endless means is nothing short of extraordinary!

   Whether your reason of exclusion of ability to express, communicate or emote, the world and its occupants have many ways to connect you to each other so there is no need to feel alone. There’s a great saying out there that even says just that. “So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead. Thing to remember is if we’re all alone, then we’re all together in that too.” –Cecelia Ahern

    The world has made strides over generations to help itself grow in multiple directions; some could argue some good some bad. Some could say it’s a version of evolution of growth in the human condition that leads us to the path we all ultimately go. We express rather some louder than others. Even in silence we are expressing ourselves. It is in our nature to feel and to have an opinion.

   It does not take an intelligence factor to see something someone else might not.  Whether being tied into our own perception in a unique way that keeps us individuals that might mean some agree some might not. Might be what keeps us from agreeing on what we see when viewing a beautiful piece of art or even one that we perceive as awful but to someone else incredible. The expression its value limitless and is what brings some of the greatest achievements in history.

   Expression in all types of mediums can mean something to someone and nothing to another. Like many different forms whether they are written in different languages braille or even read aloud can bring out different levels of expression and emotion to whoever is reading or writing it. Expression through Medias of social expression online, through mediums such as music which can be read, played, heard and sung. We have movies that bring all sorts of stories, adventures and knowledge to the masses. We have multiple forms in which we can enjoy or simply interpret information via different means of expression of the collective effort of those showing different means of expression which in point develops views, opinions and our own critique in forms of expression based on how we perceive these mediums.

   Now what differs from today vs. years past is that what is normal in terms of expression has changed, whether that is how we are perceived as people, the technology that has increased in our lives and the way we interact with others and our surroundings. Interactions have changed in which we choose to do so. Some connect us in healthy ways and some distract us from the world, again a view only by this writer but that being said some things done in the past although different were also healthy in some ways and unhealthy in others. How we acted and reacted, how we spoke, it’s developed in the in the ones who choose to speak and sometimes underdeveloped when repressed from speaking.

   We have had years of expression mediums fail and success greatly. Some abused heavily, and some have grown to truly give new forms to help others connect and also learn how to adapt to their own struggles. Because of new mediums we have new ways to find ourselves, have an outlet and sometimes the chance to save a life or our own. Having a last word or having said nothing for years and finding the courage and an outlet given the years gone by to proceed technology far enough to give you an opportunity finally to say something. Media can allow us great things, it can also punish us.

   Expression through forms we have yet to create, or not mainstream or not accessible for some, the future is grand and it could change in small ways it could also change immensely, as they say no one knows what the future holds, despite claims of future travelers or movies that once claimed they had the future pegged. We are still humans in which this form has been ours for a very long time and is unlikely to change anytime soon. We may develop as humans do, our DNA might get crafted one day, quite possibly rework disease and disorders out of our genetics but our expressions will remain, silent or loud, we all have a medium.

   In today’s age we all have a medium at our fingertips, whether is on a device, written by our eyes, expressed through a song, or made through a form of art, it is a wondrous world to be in, and though they used to say the sky is the limit, as the world grows, we grow beyond it, and one day the sky won’t be beyond the limit for most, but simply the beginning of a new expression, a new stage for a new audience, a new form of medium and beyond.

   The last thing I want to touch base is that forms of manipulation in mediums that can change how a person reacts has a great affect and could also be used in harmful ways, such methods have been used for years but are enough people aware of it? Take for example, how watching a movie can make a person cry even though they are aware that the movie has been written created and actors are used to make a role seem real. They still are able to evoke a feeling or a memory attached to a given scene, moment or a movement in song. Just as that song can help a moment in your day, promote the day’s efforts. Music as a medium can help a person get through the day, work harder, and play harder. Music can also evoke a good feeling, or comfort a hard one.

   Such mediums can also bring on conflicts, difference of opinions of those who might choose to have a stronger reaction, react in louder means, and react in violence. Some can even interpret fictional mediums as if they were real and commit real crimes, however can be rare, and does happen. Media can manipulate one story five ways and leave you wondering which is true, some would argue they are all true in their perspective forms, and others might say they are all false. Perception, Expression and

   Mediums are in part of our world, regardless of each difference and how we communicate within it. We use methods of manipulation to keep others from heartache and we tell stories of an unhappy ending with a positive one to soothe those with troubled minds. We sweeten the world for our children, and we discard our parents when they are old and bothersome. We are a conditioned world full of views that can change in a moment and although many see it, many ignore it. Some embrace it and can get lost in questions they shouldn’t have to worry about. We embrace communication in all forms, even those who don’t choose to communicate are communicating with the absence of action, promotes an action just by doing so.

   We as one member of beings in the world, we share our expressions through media to each and every one. All unique, we may be stubborn, outgoing, energetic, or reserved. We are all part of a vast revolution of evolution cause no matter how forward we go, we always go back too. Going around in a circle much like the earth, we revolve, and we continue fourth, knowing much or as little as possible.

   These are the mediums of our days, our expression beyond words, and our lives beyond the decades. We all have a footprint in this world, regardless of our actions, one created as all are equal. Sing, write, teach, and learn. Be the world, be yourself, adapt to the world but be aware, the mediums are always changing; it’s in you to express.

Thanks for reading!


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