Change. Subconsciously or manipulated?

   We all change in various ways, our mind and our bodies being the primary. Now change in terms of our bodies could be through various ways, cosmetic, age, tragedy or life happenings. The change I am here to talk about is of the mind and it's inner workings as we grow, age and develop.

   When we are born we first become of aware of our surroundings, we are new and fresh to the elements, the senses awakened and our eyes barely able to input the information, we hear for the first time and it's a sensory overload sending us through panic from our comfort zone, crying until in the hands of our soothing parent or nurturing handler. The first stage of many changes, endless amount of changes on the horizon, what challenges we face next.

   We as infants know very little and understand just as much. We are all in fact smart but as our bodies develop we take on new information, grasp our capabilities and learn how to do the very things that make us human. Ongoing changes. We as infants care about food, warmth and that loving embrace. We don't know anything about gender, race or politics. We simply want to continue living and sleep in comfort. We aren't obsessed with the economy, or the latest tech. We are tiny insignificant beings in the world from the beginning, from here on is where things become a crossroad of choices based on what we learn in our surroundings, how we cope with it and how we let it affect us. We are after all only human. A change upon another, and we haven't even had dinner.

   The world spins round, or maybe it doesn't. The waters roar down a path naturally or maybe something we didn't sent a wave forcing a path for the water to travel. The stars shoot across the sky or maybe it's just one of the many satellites we put up to make our lives better. We have views that change all the time, the more that is presented to us the more we think about it, discover, even rediscover what we thought was the answer and found it to be something else. We change our minds like the weather changes without warning. What creates those changes, why do some change while others remain focused on one detail never to accept new information. This does not make them right or wrong, then again one could argue is change right or wrong.

   What about change in your mind just by aging. When you are young your mind is much more flexible, nearly a sponge soaking up information. It's how we change behaviors in children, or teach them how to walk talk eat and sleep. The older you get the information processes differently. Not necessarily because of your aging mind but because now your mind has a lot more information to process than before. Your mind has more steps to follow, the inner clock, gotta be somewhere by a certain time, I like to eat at a certain time, I should really be here by a certain time to catch the train. Priority becomes a factor, memory recall unless practiced in ways normally done so for specific talents the average person recalls things at a pretty decreasing rate over years and years. Important details the ones most thought about becoming the first to be recalled while what you ate for dinner last night is the least important thought.

   Change in your mind is never ending. Your taste changes, whether it's something new you discovered which improved your taste, or discovered a new way to improve something else.You age and new things are presented to you, you move on from existing experiences and continue forward changing your mind once more. As a young person you have dreams of growing up and becoming a certain person, having a certain career, or simply made a goal you thought for sure you would make. Time came closer not only did you forget those goals but you did something completely different, perhaps a choice came past and you made a choice without realizing you did once again changing your mind. Many choices in life can become set on autopilot if your not careful. Speeding through life like a blur can catch up on you fast, leading you to make another change unless of course it suits you and you choose to remain.

   If changing your mind is that easy, it's no wonder why it's also easy enough to hear someone else say something so unrealistic and yet believe it to be total truth, follow it blindly and then blame them when it doesn't work. Some people created a term referring us to sheep, flocking to the great one. As long as it's convincing we are manipulated into thinking whatever someone tells us as long as it connects us with something common and relatable. I don't believe we are sheep, I believe we choose to do the choices we make to make our lives easier and sometimes convenience gets in the way. We have the capacity to hear what we want to hear vs what we don't. We can argue for days or make a change and do otherwise. They say if you spoke to your childhood counterpart you would not recognize each other. Not because of the age but because from the outside in you would have changed more than you realized. Made sacrifices along the way, made a change to many or maybe the right changes improving a last shot as a child being in a tough situation and you rose above and succeeded. Regardless we as people follow to make it easier, we lead because we are thinkers and maybe not always the strongest. We change to grow, we grow to change. 

   Some may say some are out there to infact manipulate to change our minds to sour our strengths and turn us into zombies, buy this buy that. Consumerism, dictation, and dependency become the three main parts of those people's lives, why? Some of us grow up not making the best of choices, some of us grow up not fitting in so being part of anything is better than nothing. We ask questions and we get the best answer suited for us because deep down most answers we seek would only raise more questions and if we all asked endlessly, we wouldn't ever achieve anything to give people a reason to ask, how did you manage that?

   We change as we age, we make life choices coming of age, we make choices on the first job we get, we make choices on our very first vehicle, very first date, very first kiss. Times in every person's life that involves a change, minor or life changing. A person without legs having technology received providing them legs, and for the first time ever walking across a room. Helping a blind person see objects, a deaf person hearing themselves speak and someone answering. Life changing moments that happened without forms of manipulation, without regret, without any form of mental pain given for having made the change. So much media in the world and never enough space, time or care for those moments to be spread out and shared for others to enjoy, learn from, change from. 

   We see in the media, we hear in the media, we read in the media, we change thanks to the media. We were kids without a care once, we can be teens making real changes, we can be adults teaching real changes. By teaching young minds we shape the world and create change. Situations unexpectedly happen, changes what comes next. What you believe in, can change, be renewed and delivered. Richeous and powerful the changes one can make with just those meanings in his mind. We all make changes and we all act surprised when we are caught following someone else. We enjoy a song, might even know the lyrics, but do you really? Lay em out in front of you and see them as a picture, a story they told you, or maybe it's random crap. Most times it's a catchy beat tied to a song so far from what you thought you were enjoying was really embedding into your mind a whole different way of changing your mind. 

   Music always been powerful. Many things in the world are powerful, we discuss them at length, read about them, write about them, go to school about them. All things that change us as people developing as humans do. We are born changing, we change before birth. It is an endless cycle in which we remain unable to control completely. We do it both consciously and unconsciously and that doesn't make anyone right or wrong. We are humans meant to change. We survive thanks to change, adapting to our surroundings and making plans ahead to provide for ourselves and anything and anyone important to us. We are human beings after all. It's in us to change for the better. For the betterment of human kind.

Thanks for reading!


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