Too Much Focus Can Bring Us Underground

    Whether in a state of sleep or wide awake, in a twist, we blink and we miss
 it. We focus so hard on aspects on our lives we miss so many others. What was it like as a child when we thought we knew better, as adults we think the same way, we tend to be more child like even as we grow older. Most aspects of how we respond to changes in our life are similar. Some of us wear our emotions out in front and some of us work them out inward but deep down we are still very much like children. Thin skinned, tough skin, it doesn't matter you know why?

    You can take someone who's tough in one scenario and they become thin skinned in another and vise versa. I write a lot, I am passionate and have a lot of opinions. I can be quiet and alternatively I can be quite talkative. I'm emotional and emotionless and I can tell you I Excell under pressure. It's how I was raised, I'll also bow down to those above me because I don't see a reason to push back, it's not worth the fight. Why isn't it though, because unless your quick enough with the responses your taken as though you don't know anything and get shut down. It's the world we live in.

    What if they are indeed more knowledgeable about something than you, does that right being dismissed? Objections make people think, debating makes people discuss, and educating makes people stronger. One aspect that is harder to detect however, those who have a ulterior motive whether they know it at the time, you know it, the transparency of a person, the motive, the mystery, almost sounds like paranoia. Truth is what the answer lies. The truth is, when your being helped, their likely helping themselves more. The act of selflessness is more selfishness because even the act means you are rewarded with a overwhelming feeling for doing it.

    I used to feel something special for my efforts but I learnt the value of playing the game and what happens when the game changes and you aren't dealt any cards. You go out and you make your own game or you take what you were last dealt. Years go by and those who hold onto those cards well they are the reason we have a class system and can't get along with each other. We fight about our unity but we fight about everything else that destroys it. It doesn't matter what side of the fence your on, what's wrong with living and let live.

    Growing together will always be more beneficial for the growth of the human race and the collective endeavours of everyone vs trying to accomplish only your own goals and agendas. I understand the debate but I'll never understand why we've come only this far and I say only this far because we never truly go forward, there's a lot to distract us from the truth but what does it benefit us and why are we so afraid to move forward. I for one would like to continue moving forward, I for one would like others to move forward, I for one would like to not only be one but be one of many who would together to achieve greatness in always shapes and sizes. 

Thanks for reading!


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