What Has Time and Wealth Got To Do With It?

    Time sure flies doesn't it? Were always so worried about how we're gonna spend it so we tend to pick one thing to focus ourselves on and base our life around. The pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of wealth, the pursuit of living beyond our physical bodies, the pursuit to change the world for better, for worse, or for themselves.

    What is time, but of course there's a scientific reason and explanation. There's people who swear they can freeze time in their mind, and at the very least slow it down. They say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die, that instance where your brain can't interpret what is happening so it sends all signals at once trying to solve it's own impending death. Why does some go so quickly and why do so many young die for no reason other than one religions reason or the next.

    When violence takes one and misses the other we say it's a miracle and then we focus on the hate. Why do others choose our fate when they often can't take care of themselves. The ones who live wealthy have everything done for them, what are they without their money. Some find fortune, some build fortune, and the pursuit is how we get there big and small, young and old. It's all time. What does it mean when you reach the end, your faith or lack thereof holds the answers or does it? Maybe there's infinite nothing maybe that's just the end, or maybe we live on and start all over.

    We all want to believe in something, whether we grew up one way or another, deep down there's something at our core than never changes. We are living, breathing human beings and there shouldn't be a hate towards that. There shouldn't be discrimination towards that. Finding an excuse for every problem doesn't solve that problem and if we stopped excusing ourselves from those problems the sooner we can evolve to a better state of existence because in this life we live here and now is the one and only that we know of and if we live only expecting to be rewarded at the end, what life do we live. Should we be helpful, should we be greedy, should we fight? What if we could unite, Work to develop and maintain something that we could build on, that benefited everyone. Well then we could all be wealthy in heart.

    I'm no stranger to wanting more out of life and the benefits of wealth, but the wealth of knowledge is just as valuable. Right now that's being taken out of the population, it's a commodity for the financially wealthy and it's leaving our communities and we allow it, we're so focused on handouts that we forget what we are living for. We've changed and there's those who know if and there's those of us that are lead blindly. Tell me where did the time go, where did life go, do you value your memories or do you live in pain and suffering. We could be better, we could live better, we just need to remember that time is ours and we can make dreams still real, we can still accomplish and still unite to chase those dreams and build up, lose the hate, lose the fear and reunite with our souls. Live and Let live. 

Thanks for reading!


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