Life on Autopilot

   Have you ever been so driven that it’s as if you become on autopilot? I say it this way because even when you’re focused, goal setting and making every effort to get there, have you ever found you’ve missed a lot more than you realized in so many ways? I find it can be applied to many parts of your life, no matter how outspoken you might be or how closed off you might be. Tunnel vision if you will basically shows that even when you think you’ve branched off in many different directions, it does not change the fact that you are only seeing in a straight line and everything around is blurred. You are aware most times of that which surrounds you, but unless it directly affects you its significance is greatly reduced. To me that can be taken two ways, one it could be your personal defenses keeping you alert to what you need to be and that which has no change if you take notice so as if not to waste your time and energy on.

   Why is our focus in one direction even when it feels as though we are travelling in several directions? What creates the sensation and the belief that we are going in different directions rather than in a straight line, are we clouding our own judgement with other senses, thoughts and emotions? One thing is for sure; even the most focused straight lined people are still more than likely travelling multiple directions and might not even know it. It is easy to be taken out of your comfort zone, some are lucky and never have to, and some it is basically normal to be beyond that limit regularly. So why are we so easily put on autopilot? Even when we are out being active, taking part in the community, watching the latest sports game, or following the next trend, we are all in our own way, our own personality and lifestyle choice creating the same tunnel vision, just different from anyone else’s view. That is the thing, we want to be equal, and we are, but we do not all think in synchronicity, we are not of one hive mind and that’s for good reason. We all have our goals and dreams and what makes life defined for each one of us to use those talents to take part in each aspect of life and how the human race works in our known world. Tunnel vision or not, it’s just another barrier between each of us, sometimes for good based on how we as humans act in our nature presently, but sometimes it is that barrier that creates that straight line, to take focus and create unique things that bring the world fulfillment each generation.

   You always hear people say to get outside and smell the air, listen to the birds chirp, watch the sun rise and set, things we all take for granted but what I also see is that we aren’t always seeing the other amazing things, or at least bringing them up in conversation as something just as important as those repeated words. Sure taking a breath of fresh air is wonderful, so is the way those tree’s we insist on knocking down are beautiful in the way they give us oxygen to breathe. Listening to birds chirp is beautiful, so is the birth of a new born animal. Watching the sun rise and set, so is falling asleep holding the one you love. From moments in life where the world is much smaller being a kid you’re just meant to laugh, learn and live…some don’t get that luxury. Moments in your life when you believe the one is the one, only to come home crying because it wasn’t meant to be. Moments in your life like having a child and you’d do anything for them and they want nothing to do with you. We take many moments for granted. Whether you’re a scholar and you work quickly up in the world but had no time for friends and the only ones around you are usually because you have something they want. Your parents are rich and though you have money, all you want is a real friend. The misfit, the underdog, the one with the average life and enough stories to make others lose their minds, they are judged and yet they are just as human as everyone else.

   We are so focused on ourselves at times that the tunnel vision we create is the very reason we don’t excel as fast as we could, to seek bold new heights and rise above all the negative ways that bury our lives in debt and stress. Tunnel vision we create can be used to protect us but also destroy us. I believe we can be focused, we can have goals, and we can achieve, but also not to forget the basics, not to live on autopilot and to seek the world out in a humane way rather than do everything to obtain and take from everyone else to seek ultimate power and hurt anyone in your path. We can easily be destructive by nature, but we can also be strong and powerful together as a path in any direction could lead us towards others in deeper more meaningful ways. Bring back the path to peace rather than seek attention for the gains you feel you deserve over everyone else. It’s time to care for each other, be on a path but don’t lose sight, being on autopilot will have you miss years of your life with nothing to show for it, it’s time to reclaim our lives, make the most of our day, not tomorrow, this day, today, take a moment, take a real moment and capture it as the world is changing around us, some for the better, some for the worst, just look a day in the past and you will realize how much things change, and how little you cared.

   Look around, we simplify our world for convenience only to make ourselves lazy sheep, that’s no life, that’s artificial, and soon we will be as hooked up to someone else’s version of life, place in technology and every essence of human nature as we knew it will become one for the history books, granted it will be digitized but we still won’t read it because we will have traveled far enough from our beliefs to ever care we were there. Don’t give up on what makes us human, have those advancements for fun, but don’t make it create more barriers on your life, dependency will kill us, we were made to live and die on this earth and if we ever go beyond it successfully it will create new beginnings for us, but until then, going sideways with obvious things to distract us won’t help barriers but merely create borders in our lives, like autonomous cars we will be on autopilot, like cows in a pen awaiting slaughter we will have signed our lives over to contentment and a cycle that will rinse and repeat til we have nothing left to worry about because like an animal in a cage, once we got what we are claiming to be comfortable with, we won’t protest, we will just live to die. Remember what it is to be alive, and to be human and always be in control of your life, no matter temptation, live and be who you deserve to be, by your standards and make the world a better place by moving forward in whichever path you choose.

Thanks for reading!


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