What Has the World Come To?

   In life we find meaning in different things. I used to believe in the old fashioned values until I realized they were a cover for some bashful mistreated ways to treat a woman. To believe she had to be the home maker while you made the money. Sure biologically it makes more sense as she's more nurturing when it comes to children so she's the softer side and your the harder side that part I get. 

   The one aspect people don't realize that once you decided you want to be treated exactly the same the less it seemed fair. Once a man hits a woman it's not equal. Once that woman gets drafted into the army just like the men who's home with the kids and who raises them if neither come home? What happens to equal when women are shown as much disgrace as the men for being pig headed, cocky and power hungry? I believe there is a difference between what is perceived is equal then what is the actual problem. Equal pay, damn rights they should get it. Respect damn rights, Rights! Yes! Should a man be able to hit a woman because she's equal to him? No. Men are typically stronger it's baked into years of genes and it's not fair to hit a woman ever. 

   Fairness is important. Respect for each other. Having an equal say, being paid the same for the same job no matter the gender. The world is obsessed with war but who's left to fight for peace when they've turned us against each other fighting for rights to be justified by various types of gender. It's one thing to be unique it's another to make up random crap to see how far you can push society to accept your insane fantasy that you bloody well know is wrong. Even the ones who went on a social media frenzy to change their gender thanks to hype are all coming back out of the light saying they regret it. 

   People are affected by the media they don't get that they are manipulated every day. We are still judging each other at the basic levels then we threw fire on it. We torched religion, we torched families to be individuals, we torched our own countries to allow known terrorists in all for a public image to welcome others. Society's gain is a politicians favorite treat. You see it everywhere, across the way they said let's build a wall, they said no, they put fear in everyone's eyes making it seem like they were all in danger, they couldn't build the wall fast enough. People eat it up and for what. We want to feel safe, barricades have never worked. 

   Bad people are still behind you, still at your malls, still driving in the lane next to you, still out there killing innocent people. Lock them all in a caged country and call it safe while the rich watch us pick each other off one by one. We should be unifying to be a strong community of wellness and strive for personal growth and togetherness. Why are we suffering when we have the most advancements in society then ever before. We have new ways to do everything and we still rather replicate what we see in the movies, poor defenseless children gunned down because someone didn't help that kid who just needed to talk to someone. Even when it was fixable we have taught a generation to be lazy and work less and expect more and earn none of it. To participate and never learn the value of winning and losing to promote the growth of that person's abilities. 

   The world is getting stupid, more so every year. We got blinders on in the world and even when we don't think so we still do cause no one cares anymore. Your out for yourself. If someone cares about you they must want something from you. What happened. Even I have come to realize it's been going on longer than I've been alive it's just taken a long time to spread. Then the social media age kicked in and like a virus it spread so fast and yet it wouldn't take much to fix it but when does it become fixable and who's willing to stand up for the freedoms they used to have and believe they do but actually don't. Cause if they were free why are we judged so, why are we hiding in our shells and why are we facing prosecution because we don't know how to identify someone if they aren't a he or a she. 20 years ago you wouldn't approach someone that looked pregnant and said hey you must be pregnant. They could very well have a tumor, they could be insensitive about their weight. It wouldn't be proper. You'd get the odd few who might actually call you fat but hey today its gender and yet if you get called fat oh well. 

   People's priorities are a mess. Love knowing I brought a life into a world like this. Hope for as long as I live I can continue to stomach it for the better. Life is supposed to move forward, can't really be sure which way your headed if your always looking down and not just because of your mobile devices. Look at what's in front of you before it's too late. You'll never know what you'll miss until you do.

   Thanks for Reading!


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