One Life One Song

   People pick their poison to get high on life, some are judged and some are found just part of life. When it comes down to whether you choose drugs, religion, or maybe even some type of activity that gives you that rush. The energy delivered by living, that very essence. Whether it be an experience, or an emotional journey. 

   There's a reason I never fell into major drugs nor stayed addicted to the simple ones everyone consumes like caffeine or tobacco. In every chapter of my life I had music, it was there in the darkness it was there when I was small and fragile. It was there when no one else was. It brought euphoria and it brought great pain. I used to believe I was a good writer because I was socially awkward so I used to make music I just never shared it with anyone. I made music attempting to bridge the gap between my heart and my soul. 

   I want to help others but for once I fear I've fallen into a world that is darker then even my darkest days. The world has changed and I don't think I can accept that we go blindly. As they say face the music, but you cannot face what you don't realize is there. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I know I'm commonly told my views are wrong, and they don't bother me, what bothers me is the literal message people are told these days about being an individual being protected being more important than ever, the biggest movement in decades and we are actually more confined then ever before. 

   We actually are so against each other that fights break out over being individuals. We aren't closer unless you mean unifying to be seperate groups. I grew up with everyone, there was no seperation. Everyone is entitled to live the dream and have a fulfilling life. I wish people could hear the music, and just get along with each other, or at least leave things alone. The earth is plundered, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. People are getting doped up on the strongest stuff known to mass, mass amounts of tradgedy on an global scale. Economies are crashing and in a world where racism wasn't even solved we throw gender into it. 

   I just want to live and let live. Enjoy life and not be judged or have to judge anyone else. How are we to evolve if we are always looking sideways. Progress only happens one way.

   Thanks for reading!


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